When To Visit Kidepo Valley National Park

When To Visit Kidepo Valley National Park

Best Time For Kidepo Valley Tours

Kidepo is available every day of the year. But it has a different climate generally from the rest of Uganda. Although June used to be dry, it is now commonly recognized that a long wet season will last from April through the end of November. There won’t be an eight-month monsoon, but it will probably rain most of the time. December through March is regarded as the dry season. During this time of year, the temperature soars and frequently reaches 40 degrees Celsius. Due to the sandy soils’ inability to retain water, the middle and end of the dry season (November to February), when the park turns parched, improves the likelihood of seeing wildlife. Animals concentrate close to reliable water holes during these months since there are fewer available water sources, increasing the possibility of interactions. The possibility to witness cheetahs hunting on the short-grass plains is also amazing. Animals, on the other hand, are harder to find since they migrate to higher ground during the wet season (April to August).